Fondazione Fratelli tutti

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Bylaws and projects

The Foundation Fratelli tutti was born to extend a hand to the world and to contribute to the mission of St. Peter and his successor, the Pontiff. Our dream is inspired by a biblical icon, an encounter between Peter and Cornelius told in chapter 10 of the Acts of the Apostles. When the Roman centurion and his family welcome the first of the apostles into their home for divine inspiration, Peter understands that fraternity makes him equal to Cornelius and that the God he saw resurrected makes no difference between men and does not allow himself to be contained. in various cultures. Thus began the meeting of the Church with different peoples, cultures and religions; this is the turning point that made the Church “catholic” and prompted Peter and the apostles to announce the life of Jesus of Nazareth to everyone. When the Holy Spirit descends into hearts, it allows every man to live the same experience as the apostles. The Foundation’s goals are summarized by the phrase «Recognizing one another as brothers and evangelizing cultures so we can walk together». Through the symbolic force of the embrace to the world expressed by Bernini’s colonnade, designed to welcome women and men of all times, the Foundation’s mission is to foster “fraternity” and “social friendship”. This is why it places itself “on the threshold”, between St. Peter’s Basilica and the city, as our logo symbolizes. The logo represents St. Peter’s Basilica, from which the foundation was born, and the embrace of Bernini’s colonnade reaching out to the world from which the mission starts. This is made up of people on the move, who are welcomed on the one hand and on the other express the very dynamism of the Church which includes forming the arm. The blue background recalls the sky, which plunges into its depth. The style that animates us is that of the teachings of Pope Francis, contained in his magisterial texts and in his gestures of openness and inclusion.